Greenerwave and SUNRISE-6G

Jan 24, 2024

✨📶 Greenerwave is proud to announce its active participation in the SUNRISE-6G project, as part of the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking’s (SNS JU) latest call for proposals, SNS-Stream C.

This project aims to develop the first 6G experimental Pan-European Infrastructure platform, federating 14 6G testbeds.

🇪🇺 With a total budget of 13 million euros and the collaboration of 29 partners spanning 12 European Union member states, the project will deliver a truly scalable and 3GPP-compliant federation solution, federated AI as a Service, a MLOPS AI plane, and a plethora of AI-based 6G enablers, such as Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces provided by Greenerwave.

The scope of the project extends to demonstrating these solutions in three use cases and 14 functional tests, showcasing federation with non-EU testbeds.

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