Nedap collaboration to develop a smart library

Jun 16, 2019

Alongside with Nedap, we developed a brand new out of walls library. We used our revolutionary metasurface to ensure an unmatched reliability : the library is able to detect at a 100% success rate which books have been removed or added between the moment you oppened and closed the library. It also reduces the CAPEX costs as less readers are needed to correctly detect all tags.

Readers can now enjoy lending a book everywhere !

RP_NEDAP_Participation au Salon ABF

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Greenerwave at MWC 2025: Day 1

We’re thrilled to be at the Mobile World Congress and can’t wait to show you how we’re redefining connectivity with our innovative and energy-efficient beamforming solutions! Come explore our cutting-edge technology and see firsthand how we’re shaping the future of...

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